Duragon Systems Co, LTD

About the company

Company Profile

Duragon Systems is a technology company specializing in design, engineering, solution architecting and systems integration in road and railway transportation applications. Duragon Systems is company with facilities in Helsinki, Finland as well as Ratchaburi, Thailand. Founded by Industry Specialists with 25+ years of paradigm experience in electronics engineering, Duragon Systems delivers innovative solutions for demanding projects in Europe as well as in Asia. Duragon Systems partners with prime systems intregrators and OEMs as a complete technology and solution provider.

Our company primarily addresses the regions of India, South East Asia, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the EU.

Leveraging skills and experience in project specific systems and electronics design, systems interfacing and integration, software development, certification and qualification and production, we deliver advanced IT, computing and connectivity solutions, which meet the requirements of railway and bus projects.

Management Team

Duragon Systems has a strong management team consisting of industry and technology specialists with diverse experience and a history of success. These executives lead the the company to ensure that Duragon Systems stays in the forefront of introducing new technologies and growing its international presence and business.


Tomi Hanninen


Tomi Hanninen is an entrepreneur and founder of Duragon Systems as well as CEO of Dragontech Systems LTD., an affiliate company in Hong Kong. Tomi leads the company's development and its international business. Tomi oversees the Duragon Sytems from a strategic level and is closely involved in making major decisions affecting the company. Additionally Tomi is involved in partner and business ecosystem development worldwide.


Orraporn Buadee

Partner - Operations Manager

Orraporn Buadee manages the daily operations of the company as well as coordinates customer relations and project sales in Thailand. Furthermore, Orraporn coordinates logistics and manages procurement for Duragon Systems.

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